

Why the Dwelling?


My Games

NES Funtime


Final Fantasy Shrine (COMING SOON!)


   The reason I started this site is because when I first started looking at all of the other great sites like OSG, The NES Triforce, Quizzle's NES page, and The Warriors' Dungeon, I wanted a piece of it for myself.  I also wanted to show everyone that I too had played the legendary console and believed that it was the only one for me (even though I have other video gaming consoles, but that is besides the point).  Hardly anyone knew me when I first started posting up as Shmonkey06, but I thought that if I were to make a site and have some people like it then I wouldn't be some loser that just posts on the board.  I thought that I would be a guy that people would say "Swordedge, yeah I know him, he's cool".  I know that sounds corny but hey I can dream can't I.  Well anyways another reason I wanted to start this site was because I always thought it would be cool to have a site of my own.  Basically that's my story and if you have any questions just email me (even though no one would want to ask any questions, but again that's beside that the point). 

This is me Swordedge. I am the most powerful being in existence. My experience level is 9999999999 and so on. Unlike other Red Wizards I know every black and white magic spell and I mean every spell. No one and I mean no one will ever be able to destroy me ever. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!